Press Release: 10 MEPs call to re-establish the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

On 15 October, 10 MEPs joined an event hosted by MEPs Heinz K. Becker (EPP, AT), Josef Weidenholzer (S&D, AT) and Ivo Vajgl (ALDE, SI) to call on political groups to re-establish the long standing Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. This key EU forum is more than ever needed to prepare for Europe’s demographic change and meet the objectives recently set by the EU institutions in that area.


Addressing the challenge of demographic change in Europe, President-elect Juncker has asked the designated Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, to ensure that the impact of ageing is “appropriately taken into account in all Commission proposals and activities.” The European Parliament playing a key part in EU decision making, the Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity brings an effective contribution to the EU debate on ageing issues and can help shape relevant EU policies. For that reason during an event organised at the European Parliament yesterday, 10 MEPs coming from 5 political groups called on all political groups to support the re-establishment of the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

Founded in 1982, the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations has been a key factor of progress in the past decades to improve Europeans’ quality of life. During the last term, it gathered some 40 MEPs coming from all political groups and committed to find positive solutions to the challenges of demographic change. It organised more than a dozen of events and has been active on a large range of policy areas.

During yesterday’s event at the European Parliament, Heinz K. Becker, Josef Weidenholzer, Ivo Vajgl were joined by Jean Lambert (Greens, UK), Lambert van Nistelrooij (EPP, NL), Eduard Kukan (EPP, SK), Brando Benifei (S&D, IT), Ana Gomes (S&D, Arne Gericke (ECR, DE) and Marian Harkin (ALDE, IE), to support this call. The Intergroup has also already been supported by Claudia Monteiro De Aguiar (EPP, PT) and Francisco José Millan Mon (EPP, ES).

With the growing challenges we face due to demographic change in Europe, the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity will be more important than ever; that is the reason why we fight for it”, said MEP Heinz K. Becker in his introductory remarks. MEPs underlined that the economic and social crisis has exacerbated conflicts between generations and that we must respect everyone’s rights, both the rights of today’s senior citizens and those of the younger generations to better prepare their older age. “The Intergroup has had many successes and we look forward to more successes at the European Parliament. The five next years will be interesting”, continued MEP Jean Lambert.

Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe, added “The Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, thanks to dedicated MEPs, has always been a key forum to prepare Europe’s demographic shift and make sure that policies address population ageing in a positive way and ensure a fair and sustainable future for all generations. Work needs to continue and we are very pleased to see such a strong support for the re-establishment of the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in the European Parliament.

You may read MEP Ivo Vajgl article on the event (in Slovene) here. Photo courtesy of Ivo Vajgl.

AGE campaign for the re-establishment of the EP Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations

Now that the newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are starting working, AGE is campaigning for the re-establishment of the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

We invite you to join us to make sure ageing and demographic change issues will remain high on the EP political agenda for the coming 5 years.

What is the Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity?

The European Parliament’s Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity has been operating successfully since 1982. It has been a key factor of progress in the past decades to improve the quality of life of the European citizens.

The Intergroup is a forum gathering members of the European Parliament (MEPs) committed to positive solutions to the challenges of demographic change. It is an effective platform to:

  • provide a cross-party forum for in-depth discussion and joint action on the challenges posed by demographic ageing and what the European Union (EU) can do
  • provide an agenda of events that can help MEPs address ageing issues in a wide range of committees
  • help meet the expectations of the EU citizens through measures that cope with demographic change in a positive way

In the last parliamentary term (2009-2014), some 40 MEPs joined this Intergroup. They represented most of Member States and all political groups. AGE cooperated closely with the Intergroup to organise awareness-raising events on pressing ageing issues and to work on legislative files that have an impact on senior citizens living in the EU.

Why re-establishing the Intergroup is important for AGE Platform Europe?

Ageing issues are now more relevant than ever to the European Parliament’s work across a whole spectrum of committees, touching on everything from economic affairs to transport, culture and education, pensions, employment and social affairs, civil liberties, justice and home affairs, internal market, consumer protection, health and gender equality.

It is crucial to continue raising awareness about Europe’s population ageing and the need to find innovative ways to tackle the ongoing economic and social crisis and ensure a fairer and more sustainable future for all generations. The Intergroup can play a crucial role in helping the EP adopt positive attitudes towards ageing in all relevant EU policies.

How can you help to re-establish the Intergroup?

As an MEP, you can encourage your political group to vote in favour of the Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity and encourage other MEPs from your political group to do so after the selection is made. If you are interested in supporting and/or joining the Intergroup on Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, please contact Ophelie Durand at

As civil society organisation or citizen, you can help mobilise MEPs to vote in favour of the Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity and encourage other MEPs from their political group to do so when the selection is made.

AGE has prepared documents to help you campaign for the re-establishment of the Intergroup:

- Presentation of the Intergroup, available in English, French, German, Dutch,Spanish, Italian, Swedish.

- Presentation of past activities and successes of the Intergroup, available in English.

If you wish to help us with the campaign, please contact Ophelie Durand at

AGE publishes questions to candidate Commissioners

With the upcoming hearings of the candidate Commissioners, we are at a key moment to make sure that the EU addresses the challenges posed by the ageing of the population. To do so, we need clear commitments from the future College of Commissioners.

AGE has therefore drafted a series of recommendations and questions to the candidate Commissioners. They are dealing with a broad range of issues of concern for older Europeans, e.g. fundamental rights, economic reforms, social protection systems, transport, tourism, consumers’ protection, accessibility, health, research.

AGE recommendations and questions have been grouped according to EP Committees’ competences:

We hope that the candidate Commissioners will take position on the challenges AGE is raising during the hearings at the European Parliament in September.

Dear Mr Juncker, congratulations with your election. We await with great impatience the appointment of the Commissioner in charge of the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights


AGE Platform Europe congratulates Mr Juncker for his election as President of the European Commission. Older Europeans took note with great interest of his commitment to appoint a Commissioner in charge of the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and now hope this person will take forward an ambitious agenda to protect EU citizens’ rights, regardless of their age.

Today, the European Parliament elected Mr Juncker for a 5 year term as President of the European Commission with a comfortable majority. He now has few days to finalise his list of portfolios to constitute the new Commission. This is a key moment to ensure that Mr Juncker’s commitments are taken forward by the next College of Commissioners.

AGE welcomes the promise to appoint a Commissioner in charge of the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. We believe such position will help the EU to adopt a coherent and coordinated approach to address the situation of fundamental rights in all EU Member States.

EU’s approach to the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights has been so far on an ad hoc and fragmented basis and there is incoherence between how rights are addressed in EU’s internal and external action, which entails important disparities about how EU citizens can access their rights.

We therefore hope that the new Commissioner will take concrete steps to render the interventions of the EU institutions and the Member States in the area of fundamental rights more structured, better coordinated, effective and accountable.We further expect a close consultation and involvement of civil society to shape EU’s priorities in the area of fundamental rights.

Age discrimination is a key aspect here. Older Europeans are discriminated against in many areas of their lives, including access to employment and health, age limits in financial services and insurance products, and this has to stop if we want to build a Europe based on equality, fairness and inclusion.

Such Commissioner will have to play a crucial role to push as soon as possible the EU Council to adopt the long-awaited draft directive on equal treatment, as Mr Juncker promised this morning at the European Parliament. This would give the EU the relevant tools to fight against discrimination in all areas of its citizens’ lives and would close the existing gap in the implementation of article 25 of the EU Charter.

We also call Mr Juncker to adopt an EU Strategy on Demographic change to make sure that challenges posed by the ageing of the population will be addressed adequately and in a coordinated way in the coming years.

As the largest network representing older people in Europe, we remain committed to closely collaborate with the new President and future College of Commissioners to make the EU more age-friendly.

Useful links:

AGE Manifesto for the European Elections 2014 (here)

AGE proposals for questions to the candidate President of the European Commission (here)

AGE recommendations to the new EU leaders (here)

Dear Mr. Juncker, Europe is ageing fast and strong political action is needed to secure a sustainable and fair future for all generations


Ahead of the election of the President of the European Commission tomorrow in Strasbourg, AGE Platform Europe calls on MEPs to check Mr. Juncker’s commitments to tackle positively population ageing. Demographic change, if addressed adequately by EU leaders, is a key opportunity to implement innovative solutions that will make Europe a better place to work and live and help the EU create new jobs and find sustainable solutions for our ageing population.

In 2012, there were 190 million people aged 50 years and over in the EU, up from 178 million five years previously, according to Eurofound. Huge impacts on Member States’ social security systems are expected in the coming years.

Demographic and climate changes are two major challenges facing Europe. They are also the two main areas where huge opportunities for economic growth, innovation and social justice can be developed in the coming decade if there is political will behind.

The next President of the European Commission will have a key role to play to reinforce the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy to ensure fair and sustainable growth and prosperity of European citizens at every stage of life. But for the moment the EU is lacking a coordinated approach to demographic change.

AGE calls on EU leaders to adopt an EU Strategy on Demographic Change to help coordinate and build synergies between EU policies on which demographic change have an impact. This includes the social dimension of the European Semester, the situation of fundamental rights, the realisation of EU citizens’ rights in the internal market and the implementation of the Structural funds.

In this framework, a EU Strategy on Demographic Change should become a main vector for economic growth and help EU Member States and regions adapt to the needs of their rapidly ageing populations in ways that are sustainable and fair to all generations and ensure equality between men and women. In other words, it will help create an Age-Friendly European Union.

Last week, we welcomed Mr Juncker’s recognition of the unfair social consequences of austerity measures and will carefully monitor his commitment to ensure social justice during this new term. Social assessments of reforms are key tools here to guarantee adequacy and sustainability of social security systems for all generations, regardless of their age and income.

The EU must also remain at the forefront in terms of protection of fundamental rights. This includes fighting against any form of age discrimination and we call on MEPs to question Mr Juncker on his willingness to develop all necessary tools to protect older persons’ rights in Europe, including via relaunching the stalled discussions on the draft directive on equal treatment outside employment.

AGE calls on MEPs to ask the right questions tomorrow in Strasbourg and invites them to read our proposals for questions here. These questions are backed by the European Disability Forum, the European Anti-Poverty Network, the European Women’s Lobby and the European Public Health Alliance.


Useful links:

AGE Manifesto for the European Elections 2014 (here)

AGE proposals for questions to the candidate President of the European Commission (here)

AGE recommendations to the new EU leaders (here)

Hearing for the European Commission Presidency: Towards a EU Strategy on Demographic Change

Hearing jpegDemographic and climate changes are both major challenges facing Europe. They are also the two main areas where huge opportunities for economic growth, innovation and social justice can be developed in the coming decade.

As President of the new College of Commissioners, you will have the power to reinforce the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy to ensure fair and sustainable growth and prosperity of European citizens at every stage of life.

In this framework, a new EU Strategy on Demographic Change can become a main vector for economic growth and help EU Member States and regions adapt to the needs of their rapidly ageing populations in ways that are sustainable and fair to all generations.

An EU Strategy on Demographic Change should seek to help coordinate and build synergies between EU major dossiers on which demographic change has an impact.

  • Do you agree that the EU needs to adopt and implement a Strategy on Demographic Change to coordinate and build synergies between all relevant EU policy processes and initiatives to ensure that Europe 2020 delivers an EU for all ages?

Such Strategy would coordinate policies in the following areas:
- The European Semester
- Fundamental rights
- The Internal Market
- Regional policy

Specific questions have been drafted for each of the above areas.

You will find our proposals for questions here. They received support from the European Disability Forum, the European Network Against Poverty, the European Women’s Lobby and the European Public Health Alliance.


Elezioni Parlamento Europeo: Age Platform Italia invita tutti ad andare a votare il 25 maggio

“L’Europa fin qui costruita ha tanti difetti, è sicuramente perfettibile, ma ci ha consentito di vivere per settant’anni in pace e in crescente benessere” afferma Elio D’Orazio, Coordinatore di Age Platform Italiache prosegue “L’era della globalizzazione impone profonde riforme politiche, economiche ed istituzionali con più democrazia, giustizia, eguaglianza e solidarietà tra tutti i Paesi membri”.

Il Parlamento che andremo ad eleggere dovrà farsi carico di raggiungere questi obiettivi. Per questo dobbiamo dare fiducia alle persone ed alle forze politiche che responsabilmente si faranno carico di costruire e non di distruggere, di mantenere vivo il loro rapporto con i cittadini, senza rinchiudersi nei palazzi, di sviluppare solidarietà, di rilanciare una economia innovativa e competitiva, di riconsiderare la spesa sociale come investimento produttivo anche ai fini del calcolo rapporto deficit/ pil”.

“AGE Platform Europe ha presentato suo “Manifesto”, proposte che, pur facendo specifico riferimento alle persone anziane, guardano al contesto generale”. “Nel manifesto si chiede la ricostituzione di un luogo certo del dialogo sociale: l’intergruppo che si occupa dell’invecchiamento della popolazione e della solidarietà tra le generazioni. I membri italiani eletti dovranno, almeno uno per gruppo, rendersi disponibili a sollecitare tale ricostituzione e parteciparvi attivamente. E’ questo il luogo in cui le organizzazioni di rappresentanza potranno fare sentire la loro voce ed i parlamentari potranno formulare proposte che attengono in particolare alle persone anziane: salute, assistenza, vivibilità ambientale, sicurezza, valorizzazione nel contesto economico e sociale”.

Subito dopo le elezioni Age Platform Italia chiederà un incontro con gli eletti per mettere a punto idee, proposte ed azioni comuni per il prossimo quinquennio. Nello stesso tempo Age Platform Italia chiederà anche un incontro con il Governo italiano per coordinare le azioni da svolgere nel corso del semestre europeo a guida italiana.