MEPs submit a Written Declaration on access to hearing aids

What is a written declaration?

A written declaration is a text of a maximum of 200 words relating exclusively on a matter falling within the competence of the European Union.

At least 10 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from at least three political groups may, as authors, submit a written declaration by presenting a text to be signed by their colleagues. They have then three months to let it signed by a majority of the MEPs. If they succeed, the written declaration is published in the minutes and forwarded to the EU Institutions named in the text, together with the names of the signatories. Declarations that, at the end of the three month period, have not been signed by at least half the MEPs lapse. Even if successful, written declarations do not bind Parliament, that is, they cannot be considered as an act of the Parliament representing its position, but only those of its authors and signatories.

Written Declaration on access to hearing aids

Referring to the Articles 5 and 26 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and submitted by 10 MEPs, this Declaration calls on the Commission and the Council to foster cooperation and the exchange of best practices regarding the provision of state-funded access to hearing aids with a view to improving the lives of citizens suffering from hearing loss in the EU.

Read the declaration here.

Read our previous post on the Written Declaration on Alzheimer’s Disease and dignity at the end of life here.

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