Spain: Great support to AGE Manifesto in Catalonia

FATEC is a federation created 32 years ago, formed by volunteers, with the aim of promoting activities and actions for the promotion of the elderly in our society. FATEC represents around 345,000 of senior citizens in Catalonia, from senior centres, retirement homes, cultural centres, community centres and associations. There are more than 580 entities affiliated to FATEC.

Rètol eleccions europees 2014FATEC has met several political parties to present AGE Manifesto and their priorities (see here).

We are welcoming Esquerra Republicana‘s support, which has integrated in its programme point 6 of AGE Manisfesto as to promote older citizens’ active participation in community and volunteer activities and to connect older citizens’ groups with their MEPs and other policy-makers, as well as point 2 on minimum income as a tool to fight against poverty among all age groups, especially children and older persons. Josep-Maria Terricabras, lead candidate for Esquerra Republicana has signed AGE Manifesto.

Moreover, we are happy to receive the support of Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds which commit to develop rights and resources to improve older persons’ living conditions. MEP candidate Ernest Urtasun has signed AGE Manifesto as well.

Last but not least, Francesc de Paula Gambús i Millet from the Convergència i Unió (CiU) party also supports AGE Manifesto.


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