Elections européennes: Pourquoi aller voter le 25 mai?

Few weeks before the elections, the Representation of the European Commission in France, the European Parliament, the French Governments, local authorities’ associations and civil society organisations joined forces to publish a brochure explaining why it is important to go to vote on the 25th of May.

Pourquoi aller voter le 25 maiEn vue des élections européennes de 2014, la Représentation de la Commission européenne en France, le Parlement européen, les pouvoirs publics français et des associations d’élus territoriaux se sont regroupés avec la société civile, dont l’Alliance pour l’Année européenne des citoyens 2013 (EYCA), pour publier une brochure commune afin de rappeler l’importance d’aller voter le 25 mai.

Alors que les citoyens européens méconnaissent bien souvent l’impact des politiques européennes sur leur vie quotidienne, cette brochure a pour objectif d’expliquer le rôle des différentes institutions européennes, de présenter la composition actuelle du Parlement européen et de rappeler les principaux enjeux du vote:

  • Parce que le Parlement européen est la seule institution de l’Union européenne à être directement élue par les citoyens
  • Parce que le Parlement européen vote des législations ayant un impact sur mon quotidien
  • Parce que je choisis un projet politique pour l’Europe
  • Parce que mon vote contribuera à désigner le prochain président de la Commission européenne

Le brochure est disponible ici.


European Parliament President Martin Schulz pledges support for EYCA recommendations and civil dialogue in Europe

EYCARepresentatives of the European Year of Citizens Alliance (EYCA) Steering Committee met with the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, on 3rd April 2014 in Brussels to discuss the EYCA recommendations aimed at enhancing European citizenship.

We raised a particular warning about the profound social and economic distress, but also the political distrust Europe is facing today. Deploring the institutional appetite for direct dialogue with “THE” citizen, we called for the recognition of associations and NGOs in their capacity of gathering together millions of citizens across Europe and for their involvement on equal footing with trade-unions and businesses in the policy dialogue and democratic processes.

Convinced that “Europe can no longer survive without a social pillar”, President Schulz pointed out the real risk of Europe’s failure, as highlighted by the lead in opinion polls from Eurosceptic and regressive forces, even in some founding Member States.

Aware that civil society organisations can be “valuable allies” for the institutions in working to bring about more solidarity, equality and democracy in Europe, and paying due attention to the EYCA recommendations, Mr. Schulz undertook to “seriously consider the issue and leave a strong legacy for his successor to integrate civil society organisations in a dialogue process with the European Parliament”.

This position goes totally in line with article 11 from the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which underlines the need for “institutions to maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society”. We can therefore only welcome President Schulz’ will to make civil dialogue a reality and hope that this discussion will bear fruits and continue to work towards a more transparent and democratic Europe.

AGE Platform Europe is member of the EYCA and supports the EYCA recommendations. Read more about the EYCA here.

European elections 2014: Civil society and candidate MEPs commit to a Citizens’ Europe

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Civil Society Day, 18th March 2014

European elections 2014: Civil society and candidate MEPs commit to a Citizens’ Europe

Joining forces to mobilise EU citizens for the upcoming European elections 2014


European Parliament elections are the periodical momentum to test both politicians’ and citizens’ engagement and capacity to debate on how best shape our societies and improve European integration for the benefit of all. In the light of the democratic crisis and growing mistrust towards the European Union, it is of utmost importance to mobilise EU citizens to go to vote in May, said panellists from AGE, COFACE, ILGA Europe, EWL, ENAR, EDF, EAPN, AEGEE and Eurochild during a joint event on 18 March at the European Parliament hosted by Claude Moraes (MEP, S&D, UK).

Civil society organisations have a crucial role to play to both voice citizens’ needs in policy developments and to fight against populism and misrepresentations about the EU. However, this can only work if MEP candidates run honest campaigns and take the time to inform the general public about EU competences and what the European Parliament effectively does”, said MEP Claude Moraes in his opening speech.

We want to make sure that citizens get the right information, vote on actual facts”, said Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Secretary General. “We also want future MEPs to commit to meet annually with civil society organisations to report back on their activities and listen to grassroots citizens’ needs and expectations”, she continued.

COFACE’s new #FamiliesVOTE2014 publication aims to bring concrete information to the attention of European citizens and boost voters’ knowledge and understanding on what the EP can and will do for families’ wellbeing over the next 5 years. “European citizens and families must make an informed and responsible decision when they cast their vote” said Annemie Drieskens, COFACE President.

With Y Vote 2014, we are engaging citizens, and especially young students, by raising their awareness about the EU, involving them in drafting recommendatiosn directed to MEPs, and last but not least, empowering them to become multipliers towards other citizens“, said Lucille Rieux from AEGEE, “we need to show them that decision-makers do care for them and do address their needs; This is why we need MEPs to not only give young people’s importance in their speeches, but above all, to act accordingly“.

ILGA-Europe and its member organisations are working hard on their Come Out Campaign to strengthen the human rights agenda of the next EP and Commission, thanks to increased voters’ mobilisation and to concrete commitments by candidates and political parties. “We are also proud to be working with ENAR on our jointcampaign #NoHateEP2014 and promote an EU equality agenda that is common to all communities, including sexual minorities and ethnic minorities”, added Joël Le Déroff from ILGA Europe. ENAR is also promoting 7 key demands for more equality in Europe to future MEPs in the frame of the “I vote for diversity” campaign.

EWL Manifesto “Act now for her future, commit to gender equality” demands a strong Europe promoting women’s and girls’ rights and gender equality. “We encourage our members to send the Manifesto to their MEPs and candidates for the European elections, to use it to launch debates on equality between women and men in Europe”, said Pierrette Pape from EWL.

Champion the rights of children is also the purpose of the Child Rights Manifesto, written by Eurochild and 13 other international and European child rights organisations: “we count on working with MEPs, our members, the voters, as well as children towards that goal.” said Jana Hainsworth, Secretary General of Eurochild.

EDF also urges candidates, political parties and the appropriate authorities in the EU Members States to make sure that the European elections are accessible to persons with disabilities by removing the still existing discriminatory obstacles and restrictions to persons with disabilities’ right to vote and to stand as candidates and by ensuring that all campaign information is accessible. “This is a prerequisite to ensure that most of the 80 million European citizens with disabilities are interested in the elections and go cast their ballot”, stated Etienne Cuche from the European Disability Forum (EDF).

EAPN welcomes the opportunity of bringing together civil society organisations which are engaged in the European Elections. The meeting today showed the diversity, commitment and strength of the civil society sector whose campaigns will no doubt have an impact on the outcome of the European elections. As EAPN we are calling on candidates to become the champions for a social Europe free of poverty,” concluded Barbara Helfferich, Director of the European Anti-Poverty Network.


Read more about our campaigns:

AGE Platform Europe – Towards an Age-Friendly European Parliament

COFACE - #FamiliesVOTE2014

European Anti-Poverty Network - Electing Champions for a social Europe

European Disability Forum - “Accessible European elections, Inclusive European Societies”

European Network Against Racism (ENAR) - Vote for Diversity

European Women’s Lobby - Act now for her future, commit to gender equality

ILGA Europe - Come Out Campaign

ILGA Europe / ENAR - #NoHateEP2014

AEGEE - Y Vote 2014

Eurochild - Child Rights Champions


Link to this press release in pdf format

Enéo: Comment agir à travers les élections européennes de 2014?


In the frame of the Active Senior Citizens for Europe, Enéo, Belgian organisation representing and working with 40.000 members, is running trainings at local and regional levels on the European Union. You may read the first Eneo training here.

L’Europe… devient la « tête de Turc » par :

-sa complexité institutionnelle (éloignement par rapport aux citoyens)
-son austérité budgétaire
-son manque d’ambition sociale
-la montée d’euroscepticisme
-le désintérêt des citoyens par rapport aux enjeux socioéconomiques et européens

La méconnaissance des actions (ou inactions) menées par l’UE ne fait que renforcer la méfiance, voire l’indifférence …

Afin de répondre à ces défis, Enéo propose une formation autour des axes suivants:

1. le système européen (cadre juridique et instruments décisionnels, compétences de l’UE, les institutions européennes, le processus de décision et influence des citoyens)
2.Le dialogue civil et social
3.L’importance des budgets et de la vision institutionnelle
4.L’impact de la crise sur les politiques sociales
5.Les élections et nos revendications

Pour lire la présentation d’Enéo, cliquez ici.

Bulgaria: First series of trainings on the European Union


In the frame of Active Senior Citizens for Europe project, AGE Bulgarian members organised on 24 February a training for older people’s organisations and senior volunteers on the European Union. Various organisations from Sofia, Dryanovo, Ruse and Plovdiv participated in the initiative.

IMG_0085_BulgariaMaria Petkova, director of Tulip Foundation, presented information about the functioning of the European Union and the impact of the European policies on the lives of senior citizens. Finally, Maria Petkova explained how older people can influence the EU policies. Thanks to the work of the Tulip Foundation and the Bulgarian Red Cross, AGE guide to the EU institutions was translated in Bulgarian and distributed among the participants of the training.

For more information, visit the Tulip Foundation website: http://www.tulipfoundation.net/

Launch of the Active Senior Citizens for Europe (ASCE) project

Logo ASCEAlthough older citizens usually have a positive attitude toward the EU, few are fully aware of what the EU is doing to translate our shared values into concrete outcomes for EU citizens, what are EU competences and how EU policies impact their daily life. Even fewer know how to engage in a constructive dialogue with the EU institutions to help shape the EU political agenda. The current crisis and language barriers create additional challenges for seniors in those countries to become fully involved in EU civil dialogue.

Started in September and in the framework of the European Year 2013 of Citizens, the Active Senior Citizens for Europe project aims at fostering a greater ownership of the EU among older citizens by giving the opportunity to older citizens in 8 Member States to learn more about the EU and to interact with EU policy makers in order to achieve an more age-friendly EU. The project will develop training material (based on the brochure ‘Active Citizens for Europe: A guide to the EU‘) that provide an overview of EU action relevant for older citizens and will organise series of meetings at EU and national levels to share this knowledge and foster discussions on EU policies and initiatives between civil society organisations coming from different EU MS. It will enable wider groups of seniors to develop a greater sense of ownership to the EU and get involved in the preparation of the upcoming European Parliament elections.

The first European Workshop took place on 15-17 October 2013 in Brussels, back to back with AGE’s Council of Administration meeting. Participants were given training on EU primary law, EU institutions, policy processes and policies relevant for older people. They were also given a training on campaigning, in order to get prepared for the upcoming EU elections, and had the opportunity to visit the EU Parliamentarium. A common session was held on the draft Manifesto for the European Parliament elections prepared by AGE staff, and ASCE project partners had the opportunity to share their ideas related to the Campaigning training session.

After this European training, ASCE project partners and other interested AGE members will organize national training and information workshops related to the European Union and the preparation of the EU elections. The training materials will be translated in all project partners’ languages and widely disseminated at national level, following the train the trainer approach. A second European Workshop is foreseen after the European Parliament elections in June 2014, followed by a second series of national workshops. A final conference will be organized in November/December 2014.



EP Fact Sheets on the European Union

EP-logo-2-JPEGThe European Parliament created in 1979 its Fact Sheets on the occasion of the first direct elections. Since then, they have been regularly reviewed and revised. They are intended to provide non‑specialists with a straightforward and concise overview of the European Union’s institutions and policies, and of the role that Parliament plays in their development. They are available in 23 languages and very soon in paper form. Everyone will be able to order copies via http://bookshop.europa.eu.

More information is available here.

Active Citizens for Europe: A guide to the European Union

ASCE BrochureAGE issued in November 2012, a publication aimed to improve older people’s understanding of the EU decision-making processes and of civil society’s involvement, and to facilitate their active participation in policy debate. The brochure Active Citizens for Europe: A guide to the EU is available in English and French. It will be soon available in German, Slovene, Slovak, Portuguese, Greek, Italian and Bulgarian.