Social Platform’s members launch their campaigns for the European elections

Every five years EU citizens choose who represents them in the European Parliament. From May 22 to May 25 European citizens will once again go to the polls to elect their Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) it will be the eighth Europe-wide election to the European Parliament since the first direct elections in 1979. The elections will give voters the chance to influence the future political course of the European Union when they elect the 751 MEPs to represent their interests for the next five years.

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Here you can find information about Social Platform member’s campaigns for the European elections

or see examples here:

European Anti Poverty Network - Electing Champions for a social Europe

European Disability Forum - “Accessible European elections, Inclusive European Societies”

European Network Against Racism - Vote for Diversity

European Public Health Alliance - Put health at the heart of the European Union’s policy making

European Women’s Lobby - Act now for her future, commit to gender equality

Eurodiaconia - It’s about Europe, it’s about you!

ILGA Europe - Come Out Campaign

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