AGE member Old’Up: ‘Let’s wake up, our Europe’ on 1 April in Paris

AGE member organisation Old’Up, from France, will debate the European elections from the point of view of older persons in Paris

The conference will be held by Ms Alexia Germont, former attorney and founder-president of the think tank ‘France Audacieuse‘, as well as author of the book ‘Réveillons notre Europe‘ published in October 2018.

The debate will be introduced by Ms Martine Méheut, president of ‘Citoyennes pour l’Europe‘.

Date and time :
Monday, 1 April 2019, 17h à 19h

Mairie du VIIe arrondissement
116 Rue de Grenelle
75007 Paris

E-Mail : [email protected]
By mail : OLD’UP MDA, 4 rue Amélie, 75007 Paris, France

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