6. Universal access to goods and services

We call on candidates and future MEPs to:

Enable universal access to goods, housing and services to older persons and put pressure on your government to:

  • Strengthen the EU legislation, initiatives and standardisation work related to accessibility in today’s highly digitalised society, including the European Accessibility Act, as well as ensure a proper implementation at national level;
  • Continue supporting the development of a European Silver Economy Strategy allowing the development of accessible and affordable products and services supporting active and healthy ageing;
  • Promote and support the development of age-friendly environments at local and regional level as a key mean to support independent living and mobility for all with the support of EU funding instrument;
  • Take ageing dimension into account in smart local housing, urban development and public transport. Support independent living through the development of home-based ICT, intelligent housing and digital and web-based services;
  • Ensure that the ageing dimension is considered across the different domains of the EU Research programme to better address the different perspectives of EU demographic ageing.

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