European Parties talk ageing: The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) and European Democratic Party (EDP)

AGE Platform Europe has gone through all European Parties’ manifestos for the European Parliament elections to monitor how parties stand on issues related to ageing demographics. This series ‘European Parties talk ageing’ gives an insight for each of the parties’ manifesto.

While recognising the rapid ageing of our populations, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) stresses the importance of “bridging the generational digital skills gap” to meet the needs of the labour market of the 21st century.

Read ALDE’s manifesto

The European Democratic Party which sits in the same political group than ALDE in the European Parliament, has more references to older people, highlighting the need to fight against discrimination and of creating tools for social convergence, European standards for minimum pensions and minimum income schemes, work-life balance and care for older people and inclusion of people over 50 in labour and housing markets.

Read EDP’s manifesto

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