70% of Europeans want the EU to do more for health, according to a recent Eurobarometer survey. This is why a pool of European organisations, under the leadership of the EPHA (European Public Health Alliance) and EPF (European Patients Forum) came together to ensure that the European institutions will continue to guarantee health protection and promotion.
Started as a reaction to the Future of Europe white paper presented in 2017 by European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, which included, in the 5 outlined scenarios, the option to “do less” on some policy areas, the EU4health campaign aims to ensure that EU action on health remains strong after 2020. EU4Health brings together organisations that share the vision of a Europe where all people are as healthy as they can be throughout their lives.
The 7 key asks to the European Commission are outlined in a joint:
- Dedicated Health Commissioner and Vice-President for Sustainable Well-Being
- Adopt EU-level actions to prevent diseases and promote healthy lifestyles
- Develop a framework for tackling non-communicable diseases
- Support national health systems with expertise and evidence
- Empower citizen and patients
- Assess the impact of health in EU policies
- Establish strong leadership with a European Global Health.
For more information: https://eu4health.eu/