‘I want Europe to lead the world in providing dignity to all people no matter their age’ - Rachel Collinson

Rachel Collinson, MEP candidate from the British Green party has supported the AGE manifesto:

“I know people who have died due to neglect in healthcare and institutional ageism, including one close family member. This shouldn’t happen in the 21st century. I want Europe to lead the world in providing dignity and respect to all people no matter their age. The Green Party is firmly committed to protecting all life, by our actions as well as our words.”

Rachel Collinson

Rachel Collinson is the co-chair of the Green Party Regional Council in England and Wales. She is former business spokesperson for the Green Party and has run a small business for the last 20 years, creating dozens of jobs for people of diverse backgrounds. She is passionate about reforming the financial system so it works better for the planet and all of humanity.

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