The campaign for the Intergroup on Demographic Change and Solidarity between Generations is building on the previous intergroups on active ageing, solidarity between generations and family policies, the AGE Manifesto and the manifesto ‘A New Deal for Families of Today‘ of the EU network of family organisations COFACE-Families Europe.
Aim of the intergroup
The intergroup should create a multi-party platform within the European Parliament to discuss the transversal impact of demographic change on public policies and solutions that respect the rights and interests of all generations, while promoting solidarity between generations.
Read the joint letter of AGE Platform Europe and COFACE-Families Europe supporting the intergroup
How to support?
If you are an MEP and want to support the Intergroup…
During November/beginning of December, political groups in the Parliament have different procedures to establish an intergroups, including internal votes. Even if you are not a member of the intergroup, you can support us by voting for ‘Demographic Change and Solidarity between Generations’.
To join the group:
- Download and print this form
- Fill it in with your details and sign it
- Send the original by internal mail to Philippe Seidel ([email protected]) and to the office of Mr Milan Brglez ( 11G242) via internal mail
The form can also be signed on the occasion of an appointment with AGE Platform Europe secretariat in Brussels. Please email Philippe Seidel to arrange a meeting.
If you are an interested citizen: check out the list of MEPs in your country and contact them to highlight that ageing and family issues are worth to be supported by an intergroup, referencing this website.
Check the list of MEPs that already support us!
Why support it?
Everyone is impacted by demographic change and more than ever we need sustainable solutions that fit the needs and expectations of all current and future generations. An intergroup would allow to discuss important transversal topics: citizen-centred and family-friendly labour markets, social protection systems, transport and housing, education and culture, consumer goods and financial services, urban planning and inclusive neighbourhoods. We need support for active citizenship and well-being across the whole life span, help to reconcile our work and family life, facilitate personal and professional fulfilment of young and old, enhance economic growth in our rural and urban areas and, eventually, strengthen social justice and cohesion, while respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Union treaties.
An intergroup is an unofficial body of the European Parliament, bringing together MEPs from at least three political groups who want to build a common understanding of an issue of their interest. The intergroup would be a continuation of the intergroup on active ageing and solidarity between generations, which existed in 2014-2020 and previous intergroups reaching back until 1982. Currently, a few MEPs are spearheading the campaign for an Intergroup, the decision on its re-establishment will be held this autumn.
You’re not quite sure of what an Intergroup is? or what it is for? AGE has created a flyer to call for support on an Intergroup on Demographic change and Solidarity between generations and explain the purpose of such a group.
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