Multiple MEPs have already vowed to support the re-establishment of an Intergroup on Demographic change and Solidarity between generations.
Milan BRGLEZ - S&D, Slovenia, candidate for Chair Jaroslaw DUDA - EPP, Poland, candidate for Vice-Chair Irena Joveva, Renew Europe, Slovenia, candidate for Vice-Chair Alicia HOMS GINEL - S&D, Spain, candidate for Vice-Chair Tomislav SOKOL - EPP, Croatia, candidate for Vice-Chair Brando BENIFEI -S&D, Italy Tom BERENDSEN - EPP, Netherlands Ivan Stefanec - EPP, Slovakia Romana TOMC - EPP, Slovenia Klemen GROSELJ - Renew Europe, Slovenia Nicolas GONZALEZ CASARES - S&D, Spain Sylwia SPUREK - S&D, Poland Milan ZVER - EPP, Slovenia Tanja Fajon, S&D, Slovenia Franc BOGOVIC - EPP, Slovenia Niklas Nienass - Greens/EFA, Germany Ljudmila NOVAK - EPP, Slovenia Toine MANDERS - EPP, Slovenia Yana TOOM - Renew Europe, Estonia Cesar LUENA LOPEZ - S&D, Spain Bettina VOLLATH - S&D, Austria Miriam DALLI - S&D, Malta Hermann TERTSCH - ECR, Spain Pedro MARQUES - S&D, Portugal Marina KALJURAND - S&D, Estonia Theodoros ZAGORAKIS - EPP, Greece Julie WARD - S&D, United Kingdom Elisabetta GUALMINI- S&D, Italy Karlo RESSLER - EPP, Croatia Paolo DE CASTRO - S&D, Italy Istvan UJHELYI - S&D, Hungary Mairead McGUINNESS - EPP, Ireland Claude MORAES - S&D, United Kingdom Lidia PEREIRA - EPP, Portugal Chrysoula ZACHAROPOULOU - Renew Europe, France Francisco José MILLAN MON - EPP, Spain Marisa MATIAS - GUE/NGL, Portugal Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN - EPP, Finland Tom VANDENDRIESSCHE - ID, Belgium Sylvie BRUNET - Renew Europe, France Benoît LUTGEN - EPP, Belgium Dubravka SUICA - EPP, Croatia Othmar KARAS - EPP, Austria Georgios KYRTSOS - EPP, Greece Alessandra MORETTI - S&D, Italy Daniela RONDINELLI, Non-inscribed, Italy Jorge BUXADE VILLALBA - ECR, Spain
If you are an MEP and want to support the Intergroup, follow these few easy steps or directly sign this form and send the original by internal mail to MEP Brando Benifei’s office (N° 15G210).
Would you prefer to meet AGE Platform Europe first, please email Philippe Seidel or Estelle Huchet to arrange a meeting in Brussels.
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