Workers experiencing menopause deserve protection from discrimination

A cross-party group of 14 MEPs has stressed that menopause should be addressed in public policies to protect workers not only from the health and safety impact, but also to protect them from discrimination.

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MEPs call on UEFA to embrace a campaign for intergenerational dialogue

Several members of the European Parliament have written to the President of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), calling for using the tremendous attention it has to fight ageism.

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MEPs launch a group for Solidarity between Generations in responding to COVID

The COVID-19 crisis has shown that Solidarity between Generations is more needed than ever. MEPs from four political groups launched an interest group on Solidarity between Generations. Lack of resources and preparedness have put the lives of many vulnerable citizens at risk, including many older persons. Families had to and are still stepping in to provide care as schools and long-term care services were closed. These developments emphasize the need for addressing ageing and demographic change in a way that upholds European principles such as human rights, equality and solidarity between generations.

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