The Members of the European Parliament Intergroup Subgroup on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations release and endorse the joint statement below for the International Day of Older Persons and the kick-off of the “Ageing Equal” campaign.
- VAN NISTELROOIJ Lambert (EPP/Christen Democratisch Appèl, Netherlands, Co-Chair
- BECKER Heinz K. (EPP/Österreichische Volkspartei, Austria), Co-Chair
- KUKAN Eduard (EPP/Independent, Slovakia), Vice-Chair
- VAJGL Ivo (ALDE/DeSUS, Slovenia), Vice-Chair
- ENIFEI Brando (S&D/Partido Democratico, Italy)
- KONEČNÁ Kateřina (GUE-NGL/Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy, Czech Republic)
- PIETIKÄINEN Sirpa (EPP/Kansallinen Kokoomus, Finland)
- RIBEIRO Sofia (EPP/Partido Social Democrata, Portugal)
“The 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a great reminder that human rights remain equally valid as the time passes. Similarly, no one should be denied her or his human rights because of age.
Building on the momentum of the celebrations surrounding this 70th anniversary, the “Ageing Equal” campaign kicking off today, on the International Day of Older Persons, gives the European Parliament the occasion to take a strong stand against ageism.
Several policy initiatives – first and foremost the European Pillar of Social Rights – give the European Union the opportunity to take action to protect and promote older persons’ rights and equality in old age.
Members of the European Parliament, in particular of the Intergroup Subgroup on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, warmly welcome these 70 days of debate and action that will invite all Europeans to reflect and challenge the perceptions of society on ageing. Time has come to ensure that social justice and equality apply to all of us also when we reach old age!“
More information about the ‘Ageing Equal’ campaign
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