Voices of older Germans: vote for Europe in the EU elections

German AGE member BAGSO, the federal working group of senior citizen’s organisations, has called on all voters to decide on the future of Europe. BAGSO published video statements from different older persons, and its own election manifesto.

Franz Müntefering, BAGSO president

Franz Müntefering, BAGSO president and former federal minister declared: ‘Europe is the story of our lives, of my generation. We have seen that Europe could care for peace, well-being and solidarity in many aspects, and this should continue to be the case. Our children can have a good future if we strengthen a democratic Europe. My call is to go and vote on 26 May, for a strong majority of democratic parties. Do not let narrow-minded nationalism and injustice win.’

Representatives of BAGSO on their vision of Europe

BAGSO also made older people speak for their own vision of Europe: ’75 years of peace in Europe, this has never been seen before’ / ‘I have witnessed the war’ / ‘I lived in ruins, my father never returned from war’ / ‘Germany was still in conflict with all neighbours by then’ / ‘It is a miracle how well we live together nowadays’ / ‘We have fought for Europe to be a big house for all’ / ‘We have witnessed borders.’ / ‘We do not want to see borders any longer’.

View the full video statements and BAGSO’s electoral manifesto here.

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