EU Care Strategy should address people in need for care, informal carers and the care workforce - question by MEPs

A group of 32 MEPs has addressed a written question to the European Commission, asking for details about the European Care Strategy. The MEPs point out that according to a recent EU report, only one in three persons in need for care can actually access long-term care services. In September, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a European Care Strategy in her State of the Union Speech.

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MEPs launch a group for Solidarity between Generations in responding to COVID

The COVID-19 crisis has shown that Solidarity between Generations is more needed than ever. MEPs from four political groups launched an interest group on Solidarity between Generations. Lack of resources and preparedness have put the lives of many vulnerable citizens at risk, including many older persons. Families had to and are still stepping in to provide care as schools and long-term care services were closed. These developments emphasize the need for addressing ageing and demographic change in a way that upholds European principles such as human rights, equality and solidarity between generations.

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‘Solidarity between Generations must guide us through the crisis’, MEPs say to Commission & Council

On May 29, 36 Members of the European Parliament have sent a letter to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Council President Charles Michel, calling for upholding the EU treaty principle of solidarity between generations during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery.

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