On 1 July 2021, members of the Interest Group on Solidarity between Generations exchanged with the incoming Slovenian Presidency of the Council about the priorities regarding ageing and demographic change in the next half-year. Background is the Trio Presidency declaration on ageing, agreed by Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, and the past work on Council conclusions on human rights of older persons and on mainstreaming ageing in public policies under the German and Portuguese presidencies. The Slovenian presidency aims to carry this work further
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MEPs call on UEFA to embrace a campaign for intergenerational dialogue
Several members of the European Parliament have written to the President of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), calling for using the tremendous attention it has to fight ageism.
Continue reading “MEPs call on UEFA to embrace a campaign for intergenerational dialogue”MEPs reflect on the gender pension gap and how to close it
The research project ‘Mind the Gap in Pensions in Europe’ (MIGAPE) presented its results in an online meeting with Members of the European Parliament on 28 June 2021. The project highlighted for the first time possible projections of the gap between men’s and women’s pensions over the longer term in different EU countries. The Gender Pension Gap stands at 27% currently in the EU.
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