‘Solidarity between Generations must guide us through the crisis’, MEPs say to Commission & Council

On May 29, 36 Members of the European Parliament have sent a letter to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Council President Charles Michel, calling for upholding the EU treaty principle of solidarity between generations during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery.

Continue reading “‘Solidarity between Generations must guide us through the crisis’, MEPs say to Commission & Council”

Older citizens meet supportive MEPs in Brussels

On 16th October 2019, older citizens representing national members of AGE Platform Europe traveled all the way to Brussels to meet their newly elected Members of the European Parliament.

Elections are always a time of reshuffling. These European elections 2019 were no exception, with a European Parliament welcoming a substantial share of new MEPs. Since June 2019 then, older citizens and their representative organisations have been working in coordination to establish new contacts with their elected representatives. The objective of this post-election campaign was two-fold:

  • Present AGE and its member organisations as relevant interlocutor when it comes to ageing;
  • Re-establish an Intergroup on Demographic Change and Solidarity between Generations for the next term to ensure the European Parliament will be equipped with a dedicated forum to discuss all these matters.

This campaign peaked with a ceremony in the premises of the European Parliament on 16th October 2019 where older citizens invited and met their MEPs. We warmly thank MEP Brando Benifei, one of the youngest members of the European Parliament, who kindly hosted the event and thus, gave a concrete example of the intergenerational ambition of the Intergroup.

AGE members had the honour to welcome MEP Rainer Wieland, Vice-President of the European Parliament who gave an introductory word much in line with the spirit of the Intergroup:

‘It is not my idea of society that one-part talks about old white men and women and another part talks about young people that must be taught’ said Mr. Wieland.

The Intergroup on Demographic Change and Solidarity between Generation is fuelled with the desire to keep the discussions going among all political groups to address the challenges coming along demographic change ‘not as a threat but as an opportunity to renew our generational contract’, reminded AGE President, Ebbe Johansen.

Elizabeth Gosme, Director of COFACE-Families Europe, who is campaigning together with AGE for the re-establishment of the Intergroup, emphasised how supporting carers, and promoting the autonomy of persons with disabilities are important to build solidarity between generations.

We had the pleasure to welcome among the participants to this ceremony MEPs Bettina Vollath, Franc Bogovic, Milan Brglez, Tanja Fajon, Marisa Matias, Ljudmila Novak, Romana Tomc, Carlos Zorrinho and Julie Ward.

> Discover the pictures of the event
> Visit AGE Platform Europe’s website for more

For more information:

  • about the Intergroup or about AGE activities with the European Parliament, please contact Philippe Siedel: [email protected]
  • about AGE campaign to reestablish the Intergroup, please contact Estelle Huchet: [email protected]

Saskia Bricmont: un projet écologiste européen pour les ainés

Je soutiens le Manifeste d’AGE. Parmi bien d’autres, je peux notamment épingler la proposition d’étendre le partage du temps de travail entre les générations (plan tandem), afin de privilégier l’allégement de la fin de carrière des travailleurs qui le souhaitent, le travail des jeunes et le partage des savoirs et des compétences entre les générations.

Le projet écologiste européen propose des mesures concrètes pour les ainés. De manière non exhaustive, Ecolo plaide pour :

1/ Une véritable politique sociale au niveau européen. Les mesures d’austérité pèsent sur nos systèmes sociaux et inévitablement sur la politique des ainés. La gouvernance économique européenne doit être réformée en vue de mettre la convergence et l’assainissement budgétaire au service des objectifs sociaux et environnementaux dans le court, moyen et long terme et de sortir ainsi des politiques dont le seul horizon est l’équilibre budgétaire.

2/ Un revenu minimum européen, fixé à 60% du revenu médian.

3/ Garantir l’accessibilité, entre autres aux TIC, afin de garantir l’inclusion et la participation des ainés à la vie sociale, culturelle, politique… et mettre en place les conditions d’une véritable société intergénérationnelle (secteur de la petite enfance, emploi (partage du temps de travail entre générations, …).

4/ Renforcer la coordination des Etats membres dans le domaine des services de santé et des soins, assurer un cadre à ces professions, notamment dans le cadre du maintien à domicile.

Saskia Bricmont se présente aux élections européennes en Belgique pour le parti ECOLO.