On May 29, 36 Members of the European Parliament have sent a letter to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Council President Charles Michel, calling for upholding the EU treaty principle of solidarity between generations during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery.
Continue reading “‘Solidarity between Generations must guide us through the crisis’, MEPs say to Commission & Council”Tag: long-term care
POSTPONED DUE TO COVID19: From disability rights towards a rights-based approach to long-term care in Europe - Joint AGE-European Centre event
The European Centre has recently published a report, ‘Towards a rights-based approach in long-term care: Building an index of rights-based policies for older people in Europe’ which presents the findings of the Rights of Older People Index (ROPI) and the Scoreboard on Outcome Indicators, as well as policy recommendations for twelve EU Member States.
Together with the European Center, AGE is organising an event in the European Parliament to demonstrate why a human rights-based approach is needed in long-term care policies across the EU. Hosted by MEP Milan Brglez (S&D Group), our joint event will also discuss with different stakeholders what practical tools could help in the development and assessment of policies to respond best to the social, economic and political challenges of an ageing population.
Target group: Policy makers, policy experts, NGOs.
To register, please fill this form by 3 March 2020
(due to the limited capacity of the room, your registration will be confirmed, once you receive the confirmation email, not later than 4 March 2020)
- MEP Milan Brglez, S&D Group
- Kai Leichsenring, Executive Director, European Centre
- Katarina Ivankovic Knezevic, Director for Social Affairs, European Commission
- Kristoffer Lundberg, Deputy Director, Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
- Marie-Dominique Parent, Human Rights Officer, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe
- Ricardo Rodrigues, Deputy Director, European Centre
- Magdi Birtha, Researcher, European Centre
Contact persons:
Magdi Birtha, [email protected]
Julia Wadoux, [email protected]
Work-life balance: AGE supports the adoption in Open Letter
AGE has co-signed an open letter to the Council of Ministers for Employment, Social Affairs, Health and Consumers (the EPSCO Council), to support the adoption of the directive on work-life balance for parents and carers. The directive will introduce major improvements for carers, such as a right to request carers’ leave of five days per year and workers and the right to request flexible working arrangements. Also, the directives encourages men to take up more family leaves throught the introduction of 10 days of paid paternity leave and the remuneration of two months of parental leave per parent, which will not be transferrable between parents. Two additional months per parent do not have minimum standards for remuneration.
Continue reading “Work-life balance: AGE supports the adoption in Open Letter”